Pomona Activated for Community
Transformation and Sustainability (ACTS)
Pomona ACTS envisions a livable, vibrant, equitable, and resilient Pomona, responding to the challenges of climate change while leveraging opportunities to improve public health, shared prosperity, and community identity.
Strategic Growth Council
Transformative Climate Communities Funding Proposal Site Tour
Thursday, Oct 19, 2023
High-Level Agenda & Site Tour Supporting Documents
9:00 AM Introductions and Proposal Overview at Pomona City Council Chambers
- Detailed agenda & site tour bus route
- Overview slides
- Participant list
- Project poster
- Project map poster
- Resilience center slides (Pomona Public Library)
10:00 AM Transit to Next Location
10:30 AM Site Visit at God’s Pantry
11:00 AM Bus Tour
- Foothill transit bus flier (clean bus provider)
- Map of recent single-family home solar installations by GRID Alternatives
- Prisma artists lofts flier (recent affordable housing sites)
11:45 AM Site Visit at Lopez Urban Farm
- Lopez Farm concept plan poster
- Community engagement photos
- Recent article on Ceasar Avelar, Pomona Poet Laureate
- Site visit engagement booths from: