Jasmine Pineda is a Project Manager for The Energy Coalition and supports the Education and Workforce Development Team’s California Climate Action Corps (CCAC) program through recruitment, onboarding, and service placement. She serves as a Regional Supervisor to fellows and host partners within the Inland region and provides mentorship and career guidance to emerging sustainability professionals. Additionally, she leads monthly training sessions focused on organic waste and edible food recovery. Before joining TEC, Jasmine was a program assistant with Sustainable Horizons Institute and an education and engagement fellow with TEC through Climate Corps AmeriCorps. Jasmine received her B.S. in Sustainability Studies from the University of California, Riverside, where she served as a student supervisor at UCR’s Office of Sustainability, leading community outreach initiatives focused on expanding sustainability education and resources across campus. Additionally, she received her M.S. in Environmental Science & Policy from Johns Hopkins University.

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    [type] => https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/
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